Responsible Solutions

Here are examples of questions for which we found responsible solutions…..

  • What tourism product(s) can we as an indigenous community offer the international marketplace, at the same time safeguarding our environment and our way of life?
  • Our community has received funding for a new eco-lodge. What’s next and what trainings do we need in order to deliver a memorable experience to our visitors and to sustain the lodge and the community?
  • To supplement our income, agritourism is an option. How do we set this up?
  • We are an emerging destination and we notice we are getting visitors to our region but we don’t receive any returns. How do we develop our tourism product and create income for our own benefit?
  • As an emerging destination, we need to develop a tourism strategy which protects the environment and our way of life. Can you help us manage this process?
  • We are an NGO and have funding for tourism development but lack the expertise to progress this. How can you help ?
  • What basic infrastructure do we need to develop tourism ?